Friday 30 March 2012

hey!'s my opinion...jgn kcau!

assalamualaikum...hehehe hi..

well....since 2-3 ari nih...hati mcm x sdap ja...mcm x best...donno y...hmm...

well while tunggu kek aq msak so i'll mnulis for awhile...humm xtau lah apa yg aq mrapu nih...hati x best otak pn mlayang dah...
the truth===> i hate losing...bkn klah dlm lmba lri or apa...coz aq bknnya org yg kuat sukan...but winning in every perang mulut yg brlaku....of coz lah dlm 1 ari mesti spanjang minggu nih mulut aq rehat kjap...since that ngok tu busy ....tah apa btoi...dah aq ckp bnda yg btoi so bg lah aq mnang...nih x nk jgaak wat STUPID JOKE smata-mata nk mnang dgn aq...haihh mamat nih ...kdang2 mcm ringan ja tgn aq nk hinggap kat muka for now aq kna learn untuk control....bkn control muka...but control marah...+ aq kna control ati hati aq xkan mudah melt....geng2 aq bknnya jnis br'couple'2  nih...(and thats include me)....for me brpsang-psangan nih blom smpai msa dah janji ngn mama x kan wat that kind of things slagi aq xabih i must tepati janji.......

antara aq dgn kwn2 aq...bleh kata rapat lah something happen between us mmg rsa trsgttt lah of secrets we share together...but dlm byk2 secret of coz lah each of us ada bigger secrets yg cannot be shared together kmi smua fikir kmi trsgtlah rapat..n  noe each other really well sbenaqnya..they dont noe the real me...n of coz...i dont noe the real them....

bleh kta byk la jgak bnda yg they dont noe about me....y? sendri x tau....sometimes...we need bestfriens...but yor bestfriend cannot be with u forever just wait for a person that can always be with u wherever u sad...or happy or...things yg cannot be imagine.....thats what i think ....sometimes lah...
kdang2 aq fikir knapa kita perlu bestfriend? pdahal u sendri xtau if that person pernah ckp bad things about u or pretend to like u pdahal sbaliknya....mnusia nih kan mcm2 jnis....kdang2 seseorang tu boleh do something yg kita x pernah expect org tu bwat....but itu lah knyataan...

for a girl pnya mind ...kdang2 aq rsa boys mmg xdak prasaan...and they just want what they want...and they can do anything....but....sometimes aq trfikir jgak....boy pon manusia jgak....diaorg pon ada feeling...
if a girl like him mcm bdak 2 trhegeh2 ngn dia or say words like "I love u" diaorg pon segan jgak kot...and believe me if boy tu bkn yg casanova type dia akan avoid to see that "berani" girl....yucks...

so as a girl aq rsa better we hide our feeling...xyah la nk be klu dah sangt darurat la...boleh kot...wat mcm dlm tv tuh ..x pown mcm dlm novel 'Prince Charming' tuh...bla nk p jauh2 bru say the truth....

so i think thats all for now...
im still dlam "if" mood...hehhe
wishing for some miracle happen...
-bdk smad-

1 comment:

  1. i just wanna say that im sorry if i hurt ur feeling.
