Sunday 16 February 2014

Hanya kisah


Its not to let to say welcome February Hello February...

Okay back to the topic..sebanarnya I am sooooo damn bored n tired of life after school nihh...sakitt kepala..haiiyoo..

Actually I can't wait for this 20 March 2014... hari result SPM kitaorg Batch 96 keluar...urghhh I'm getting sick of start from tempat kerja..ada kuarterst pekerja hotel ..then ada lah pulak golongan yg suka kacau2 org nih..serius I really hate this kind of people...kadang2 I wish that ada sorg hamba Allah yg aku kenal datang ala2 super hero so dia boleh jdi penyelamat keadaan..tapi it just a wish yg tak pernah came true pon..seddddihhh betol...

+ ada workers kat sini yg sama jugak jenis yg suka kacau org nih tapi puak lain ahh dari budak2 hotel nihh.. memang rasa mcm nak lari ja everytime diaorg datang..they really pissing me off..

I really hope dapat result cepat2 n dapat offer study cepat2 so that I can feel free sikit dari manusia2 macam nihh..n so that I can explore the world n berdikari..

okay thats all TTFN..assalamualaikum

-Dont hope too much,dont give too much,dont love too much,dont hate too much...coz one day things will be opposite to all of those.. ;-)

Thursday 6 February 2014

Welcome to grownup world!! ^_____^


So merujuk kepada tittle kali nih...ya welcome...haha actualy  being a grownup (evethough tak 18 tahun lagi) was tough..but lets go one-by-one la ehhh

First the tough part..tough bila most of the things kita kena buat sendiri..n kena belajar lot I mean TONS of new things...pasal driving..people...n lot more

Move to the fun part...of coz bila dah kerja dapat yeayh gaji dah dapat boleh la shopping ..tapi kena ingat jugak save sikit for the future kan..hehe
So the another fun part is bila driving best laaa eventhought kena marah ..tapi marah tu untuk bg pandai kan...I really love buat yg part bukit tu...yes enjin ada mati like lebih dri 10 kali...but tak kena marah coz ckgu tu in a good mood hri it was great...hhaha even my mom macam tak caya I can drive on my own...hahaa

okay thats all for now..

-preapare to meet mcm2 jenis org in future n face it on my own...hehe InsyaaAllah boleh..

GTG assalamualaikum