Wednesday 10 October 2012



waaaahhh lamanya x merapu kat blog nihh..lots of things happen tahun nih...n some of it maybe menyebabkan people around me kata aku change...ya i do perasan yang i've change...but i dont noe whether in a good way or the bad way...sebab noone yg brave enough to cakap about it kat aku...i really hope that walaupun i've change tp fmy friends will accept me....

but now..some of my friends da makin jauh...and ada yg smpai ignore me...
i really really hate people ignoring me...walau se'annoid' mana aku...if you really my friend talk to me..
walaupun dah terikat dengan that ... gang but please dont ignore me...terasa sangat sangat sangat tau ak... tak pa if aku x diperlukan lgi kan...
haihhhhh off with those terasa thing..

so as aku n  my other friend baru balik dri kem sooo...muka kitaorg tersangatlah burn...especially me...sangat teruk...mau tak burn ...lepas ja aktiviti kayaking kitaorg ada free time untuk mandi we're just enjoying mandi laut ngn friends old friends...semua ada...i really enjoy it..ya lah kalau nak tunggu permission dri my parents jangan harap macam biasa kat kem kitaorg dapat belajar new things n explore dengan lebih dalam things yg kita da work..improve ke''friendliness' dengan org baru....dapat tengok macam2 perangai org...yg kita x sangka...haha...

so about 7 days more untuk final exam...hmm...hope i can jawab semua dengan baik..haha..
ok thats all

p/s- this post maybe lame or boring ...but well i dont really have enough idea untuk write in here...
just read it or leave it..

-getting used to teenage world-