Thursday 22 November 2012

things that i earned....


dah lama x merapu kat sini... I've learn a lot of things setakat nih....but tu pon xcukup kan...

learn a bit about life.....about feelings...feeling org...n mine...about
banyak jugak things yang di'explore' tahun nih....I spend a lot of time dengan my lovely friends..( before cuti sekolah la)....

1.kitaorg x 'berpaling muka' sangat eventhough ada jugak happen...well but things jadi better now...
g camping sama-sama sampai 5 days....and do banyak lagi thing together...really fun...rasanya this year baru betul2 faham meaning of real friendship....

2.I really2 sorry to org yg pernah PM me dekat FB yg try to noe me or apa2 yg dilayan alakadar je...really sorry selama nih x tau betapa hurt feeling someone tuh bila org lyn dia macam I use to do...lepas dia bgtau barulah aku tau yg I been mean to certain people selama nih...n hampir buat the same thing kat dia...

what he did untuk sedarkan aku...?...firstly dia x give up on me...walaupun masa tu aku sangat2 annoying n try to push him away....tapi he keep try...aku sendiri x faham knapa dia buat macam tuh....

at first aku ingat he just like budak2 lain...maklum lah budak famous kat skolah...aku ada jugak tnya kat kaklong everything about him maklumlah kaklong kn google kat's nice..pinky cakap...
tapi aku degil mula-mula memang I try to ignore dia n test dia few nonsense thing...aku kejam la jugak...x sedar buat benda yang boleh sakitkn hati org lain...fikir diri sendiri lepas ja...tapi dalam masa yang sama aku macam let he know me lagi dalam...aku lagi macam lead him to know me...
sampai kawan-kawan aku sendiri pon rasa macam pelik...

so end-up Im with him sekarang...few of my friend xtau the real thing n its hard for me to explain about him.mungkin aku x pernah in this kind of situation before tp .......hmm...
I hope nothing bad happen between us..between me n my family...n anyone..

n for mr.C i think u just a good friend for me not  more than that...thanks a lot bro...

LOVE all of ymy friends

I Smurf U ...hahaa