Thursday 31 May 2012

changes in our live can't change the real you


okay story kali ni is about upgrades....upgrades dlm hidup kita....
from strangers turn up to be friends....(boy/girl)
bestfriend --->B.F.F
B.F.F.--->special friend
special ---> Bf/Gf

from normal friends jadi B.F.F. or rapat dgn kita...
we started to feel selesa with that person ...share things....idea or imagination...merapu entah apa-apa.
like apa-apa pun that person must know ....
but in this stage kita memang all out...main cakap ja...sebab dah kenal org tu kan...memang tak take serious everything kita cakap semua like jokes...memang time gila-gila lah masa nih....boleh kata semua kja gila jadi fasa nih ah...(termasuk bio plk heheh)

bila dah lama kenal it moves to Bf n Gf thingy...but usually bnda nih happen kalau kita in a group of friends mix bila dah jadi mcm nih just like new person yang baru kenal diaorg kita jadi "shyshy"-istilah sara
so bila nk sembang gather mcm B.F.F. pon dah rasa awkward even kita dah kenal n rapat at first....
so emotion change ...hormon bergelora and so on.....

and to org lain yg dlm group tu mesti rasa pelik kan....
mcm of my friend yg ada crush to my other friend....then bila that person pindah yang sorg tu dok feeling sorg2...start to do something awkward....duduk jauh2 sorg2....termenung x pyh ckp mmg la....
apa aku buat?....gelak lah apa lagi....why..? because i've never imagine one day when kitaorg dah jadi grown up we fell in love...broken heart....frustrated....and so on....mana tak nya...

dulu masa form 1-form 3 main mengalahkan budak sekolah rendah....memang ntah apa2....anti-couple thingy n benda yg seanggkatan denganya.....memag x boleh blah la....buas + nakal+ kuat main+ gila2....
its teh best thing me our sikap memang x berkembang walaupun fizikal dah like teenagers....
so as kita meningkat umur sampai lah form 4...bru lah masing2 dah pandai bahagi-bahagi kan otak kita hahahha....bila nak jadi gila-gila,...bila nak serius....bila ada feeling to someone ...hehhehe...usha mengusha org .....well kat sekolah memang all out...sebab masing-masing bila balik rumah xda kawan....nak gila-gila pun dkat sekolah ja boleh....and masa kita hang out together...
sekarang pon dah boleh nampak our perangai dah change sikit-sikit....yg jadi adviser....yang jdi jadi matchmaker pon ada...memang entah apa-apa....

even kita dah start think like grown up perangai gila-gila kitaorg will not hilang....when evryone's together we'll become strong....byk kepala yang gila2....anything can happen when we're together...things that u guys cant imagine kitaorg akan buat.....memang terbaik lah!!!



Friday 25 May 2012

holiday baby!


Holiday dah start!!!! aaaahhh....first day of usual sblum holiday mesti about exam....arghhhh sedih those killer subject memang killer yg kejam ...ahhh seriusly its really hard...
bio paper 2 ok...paper 3 & 1 hush....kimia physic ohhhhh memang memerah otak gila.....last jwb pn x habis...addmath lgi lah....gila btol...haih....

ok stop with all those things.....plan for cuti nih

1) cari resepi baru n try all....i mean all of it...heheh
2)tidur sepuas-puasnya
3)habiskan novel yang pinjam dri ehan
4) learn something new
5)lyan anyway...
6)menuntut dengan sifu
7)jalan2 ngn friends
8)try dance..hehe
11)GAMES of coz!!
12)try to keraskan hati-Dr. S
13)i'll try to ignore him-cdagn Dr s....

hmm i think tu ja kot for this holiday....prkembangn about Mr.C he's nice....
hmm.....ahhhhh mcm mana nih....i've make i deal with my yang haaaaaah....mmg hampeh gla....
msa 18 plk tu haihhh.....hope i'll win dpt lunch free  ^_^...

hmmm strategi dah ada i hope i'll make it.....wish me all the best haaah...

1thn setengah lagi....insyaallah... :)

junior2....sabar2 lah ye....jangan buat kerja gila sudah na..nak usha puluh2 kali pn usha lah asalkan x menganggu sdah....jgn bwat kerja gila mcm mamat tu sudah sampai bila pn x lyn dah klu bdk tu ckp...sapa sruh cri pasal kan.....unfriend terus baru padan....haahh...nak tulis panjang x boleh nanti terkantoi....

ok thats all ...
akan di'update' spanjang cuti nih insyaallah

Happy sweet 16 to my friend n happy birthday to my cousin...
wish u 2 gud luck in evrything ....

tata - ^_^

-harap2 berjaya...please be my baby..uhhh hahah lgu lah

Thursday 3 May 2012



hi story kli nih is about what i feel....rite now..since i know the real thing ...hmmm at first im like laugh all the time....over n over n over again....evry since that person move or sit or whatever....ksian dia....but seriuosly i laugh because i never imagine bila people around me in love or....confess or anything about LOVE...

tp memang aq prnah fikir if one of us in L_ _ _ jd mcm mna....tapi x boleh bcoz i never had that experience...
lwak lah....ntah la apa yg jadi if  aq ada kat tempat diaorg....seriouslyi will laugh to myself...believe me its better than aq dok termenung  sorg2...kan...tapi sekarang that thing dah hampir berlaku....not to me...kot...but to org around me...hahaha

if aq jadi mcm tu ....if la aq sendiri x tau apa yang akan jadi....apa lagi ke consultant lah haha Dr.S...
it seems like evryone sekarang ada their own interets'll keep it sorg2 lah.....

okay now bakc to ada something nk ckp to Mr.C ..if apa yang u write tu betul deep from your heart ...thank you for saying that...actually im appreciate what u said....thanks a lot...xpa nanti i'll make u a special one...wahhh hahahah ...alah slow2 seriously u're easy to be friend with...wlaupun mula knal dah gaduh but it ended belum end lagi lah....hope x mau kata apa coz if aq kta nnt that thing x btul how biarkan that thing slow2 come to me....alah brapa tahun ja lg kan...hahah

tak pa ...biar lambat asalkan selamat.....
orang cakap hati perempuan nih senang cair... walaupun 1 perkataan yang sweet! n boleh membuatkan hati a girl tu tersentuh dia akan ada feeling towards that person...x kiralah samada suka as friend or i if aq rsa that kind of feeling i'll try to push it away....because its not the time yet

apa2 ja lah...exam dah dekat...just forget about this thing seketika.....lpas exam kita start balik...if i still remember lah or something happen till i remembered again bnda2 yg pernah berlaku...

okay whatever.....nite2!!

-weirdness membelenggu-
sorry pinky!n Mr C nevermind if u sidu untuk tunggu well good luck!