Thursday 3 May 2012



hi story kli nih is about what i feel....rite now..since i know the real thing ...hmmm at first im like laugh all the time....over n over n over again....evry since that person move or sit or whatever....ksian dia....but seriuosly i laugh because i never imagine bila people around me in love or....confess or anything about LOVE...

tp memang aq prnah fikir if one of us in L_ _ _ jd mcm mna....tapi x boleh bcoz i never had that experience...
lwak lah....ntah la apa yg jadi if  aq ada kat tempat diaorg....seriouslyi will laugh to myself...believe me its better than aq dok termenung  sorg2...kan...tapi sekarang that thing dah hampir berlaku....not to me...kot...but to org around me...hahaha

if aq jadi mcm tu ....if la aq sendiri x tau apa yang akan jadi....apa lagi ke consultant lah haha Dr.S...
it seems like evryone sekarang ada their own interets'll keep it sorg2 lah.....

okay now bakc to ada something nk ckp to Mr.C ..if apa yang u write tu betul deep from your heart ...thank you for saying that...actually im appreciate what u said....thanks a lot...xpa nanti i'll make u a special one...wahhh hahahah ...alah slow2 seriously u're easy to be friend with...wlaupun mula knal dah gaduh but it ended belum end lagi lah....hope x mau kata apa coz if aq kta nnt that thing x btul how biarkan that thing slow2 come to me....alah brapa tahun ja lg kan...hahah

tak pa ...biar lambat asalkan selamat.....
orang cakap hati perempuan nih senang cair... walaupun 1 perkataan yang sweet! n boleh membuatkan hati a girl tu tersentuh dia akan ada feeling towards that person...x kiralah samada suka as friend or i if aq rsa that kind of feeling i'll try to push it away....because its not the time yet

apa2 ja lah...exam dah dekat...just forget about this thing seketika.....lpas exam kita start balik...if i still remember lah or something happen till i remembered again bnda2 yg pernah berlaku...

okay whatever.....nite2!!

-weirdness membelenggu-
sorry pinky!n Mr C nevermind if u sidu untuk tunggu well good luck!

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