Tuesday 28 August 2012

shyshy girls only!!


so this time pnya story is about few things yg i figure out for girls yg shyshy type if they like someone..n wanted to talk with that person but xnak nampak awkward sangat...actually this thing suka2 saja...if ada yg marah so sorry..
n situation nih lg senang buat dalam facebook...

1)check whether that person online ka x...if xadd lagi just add ja....pejam mata then tekan add...spy senang nk stalk dia...
2)bila dah lama add and teringin nak tegur but takut x da respons dari orang tuh....just buat-buat salah orang nk chat...(idea yg agk dumb for expert people)...
3)start with 'hi' ..xpun just simply say something yang random terlintas kat dalam otak like..'eh hari nih ada kja skolah apa eh?'....
4)then bila org tu balas something baru buat2 perasan yg kononnya 'Ter'salah orang ....so type something say sorry or apa2....
5)if dia kata 'its okay'...then after a few minutes dia xtulis anything pun....thats mean you got to start something...just tnya random question....but masa nih confirm dah bengang gila...control anger...chill kejap...
BUT...if after few min that person balas...just answer it...
6)memang masa tuh a bit nervous or blushing sorang2...but after a few words u say ...lama u will rasa agak chill sikit..

this the best part!!
7)bila dah jwab apa yg dia tnya..or ada respons dri si dia...u will excited...n x sabar nak tunggu dia tulis lagi...kalau tengok ..... is writting...lagilah excited..
8)then tulis lagi
9) tulis lagi
10)then tulis lagi...n lagi....n  lagi...

then i think hilang lah sikit rasa malu...and maybe u guys boleh chatting lagi...wlaupun xda reason yg konkrit...just nak tau pasal dia....walaupun xdapat nak luahkn perasaan atleast u ada pengalaman untuk chat with yor 1st crush....or 2nd...or 3rd...or apa2 ja...
hahaha actually start dri step 6 tuh pengalaman sendiri...so..hehe...i'll get excited n suka sngt if dia online n chat with dia...hahha ....weird...nk bwat mcm mana dah words dri dia boleh treat kusut2...n serabut kepala...or kesedihan...walaupun sikit..n chat yg sgt2 biasa sja...dah suka nak bwat mcm mna...

tata ! thats all..

p/s i cant even believe i can write this kind of things...weird me! thats bcoz i like your style...hahah abaikan

daaa .assalamualaikum

Friday 17 August 2012

Story kali nih!


Selamat Hari Raya to all!!n I nak mintak maaf if ada buat salah dan silap,tersalah taip or apa2...n to my friend sorry ya guys raya nih kad sengket ja....

so amacam dah tinggal last day puasa?? persiapan raya dah siap ka..rendang...ketupat...kuih-muih smua??ahh baju raya duit raya??hahah

raya tahun nih x balik kampung ...cousin2 pon ntah balik ka x....bosan la jgak...
but ramadhan tahun nih memang banyak new experience...benda yang x pernah jadi...jadi..explore new things....do new things...feeling weird ....tp kurang lh dari slalu...hehe

so in this year i got banyak pngalamn....yang happy ...yang sad...yang gila2...yang cool lagi lah!.
n got lots of things lagi to explore in this world...
self confident makin menaik...thats good for me...but ada lagi yg belum di upgrade...need to be improve more.....

I ada buat an experiment...actually macam test lah...7/10 boys takut lipas...i dont noe y tapi...one of them kata lipas tuh boleh gigit orang then boleh mati...serius x faham knapa boys fobia to lipas..mula x percaya yg diaorg takut...then i bg lipas kat diaorg ..MMg sah diaorg takut...but kesian...klu girls x pa lagi takut atleast ada someone yg jadi superhero datang tolong kan...nih xkan nk  bg supergirl datang tolong ...haihhh
apa2 pun u have to face your fear...so that one day if tiba2 tgh dating tgk2 ada lipas ...menjerit x tentu pasal...xka spoil habis..

so thats all...mohon maaf if ada salah taip or bosan bca this thingy...

assalamualaikum n selamat menyambut hari raya!!

Thursday 2 August 2012

weird life!!

haaaaahh lama x conteng2 dkat sini...
hmm..banyak things yg jadi sepanjang last post hari tuh sampai today...
budak kelas aku yg gila2 pn dah jd matured....so thats great...facing the teenagers wolrd memang complicated....alah selalu kitaorg just dont care pasal sapa2 pn coz we still fikir macam kami nih kids....main lah n so on...

But now, after a few things happen dah make me realise yg we all dah kinda step-in dlm grown up pnya world..
got  byk things to think
things to take care
feelings yg others rsa yg kitaorg blum rsa lgi (which is super weird)
ada new interest yg boleh jdi kegilaan kitaorg
kena jaga org lain pnya feeling (sebelum nih xda la care sangat pon)..hehe
ada masing2 punya dream untuk future (pengaruh novel n tv)
banyak read _ _ _ _ kind novel.... ( tapi still xnak ngaku...well i just baca yg ada kaitan ngn bdk skolah or kolej n not a serius L_ _ _ story)
lots of things to learn bio fizik kimia addmath and about the world yg belum kita discover....

kalau nak list kan smua memang x lah...haha okay thats all i think dah nak berbuka pn...

lots of things to explore lots of thing yg upcoming n so on..

apa2 pun LIVE YOUR LIFE!! hahahaa