Tuesday 12 June 2012

jangan tengok sekali...tapi 2 kali..hehhe

hi peeps!!

haaaah penat lah... biasalah lpas exeam azab result plak ....huhhh keputusan aq...haiiih SEDIH ...stakat nih xdak 'A' lgi....semua subjek dah dapat except for physic...sgt menakutkan

i had trouble to sleep at night kalau petang letak kepala ja dah blackout trus...hehe ...then i try to remeber apa bnda yg aq excited sangat smpai aq x boleh tidur selagi aq x buat bnda tuh....so ada lah a few things

like -if i had a small sewing machine my personal sewing machine i will jahit n design new kinds of baju....and wear it...so cool!! for me lah....

n lately im really3 fall in love with..............................................aquamrine/ aqua sapphire....really sexy n nice 
i really nak hiasan with that kind of stone....jarang nk jumpak ...that day msa dekat Gloe pn x banyak colour tuh....xpa hendak seribu daya rite...

+ i also wanna cari a things ...B.F.F. things like necklace or apa2...that can cantum together almost like couple pnya things2 lah tp nih more then 2...macam movie 16 wishes...sooooooo cool

hahaha okay actually topic utk hari nih paras rupa x penting...yang penting is hati...
rite....okay ktalah...there's a girl/boy in your class...org kutuk dialah kta dia xlawa or comot or buruk padahal they never talk or try to know that person better ka apa main cakap ja sesedap mulut ja...xka kesian kat that person....bila dia wanna make friend ja mesti org lari...

apa kata just go and talk to that person ..mana tau kot2 dia tu baik ka....then bila kita know that person kita akan naturally xperasan yang org tu ada kecacatan yg mcm mulut org lain ckp...it sendri will hilang n make kita rasa biasa ...padahal manusia nih sama shj...we dont have right to judge people berdasarkan appearence or skin colour or apa...

the important things is heart...through that way jugak kita boleh tau if people around us nih betul2 kawan kita or just skadar cakap ja....n we also can cari our true friend or a.k.a B.F.F.kan...kalau kita x try tu know a person macam mana kita nak tau hati dia ok ka x....car nih jugak can be use in ............u know what...ok

so can easly cakap if kita tgk a person tu rapat with another person kata they ada something pulak ber'couple' lah bagai padahal xda apa2 at all....sedap ja mulut ckp kan x siasat langsung....haihh geram btoi...(psl dah kna).....ngok btul..hahahah
okay xnk emo lebih...so i think thats all for now...


ok toodles!

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